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tu connais bill roberts? il dit que sa peut etre pas mal entre deux cycle mais en une prise le matin au réveil et apres que ton systeme hormonal soit revenu a la normal

An interesting application of the drug that takes advantage of its oral administration is use as a morning-only bridging agent between cycles, which in my opinion should be done – if done – only after fully recovering normal testosterone production from the last cycle. At least 20 mg is usually acceptable in this application. Ideally, testosterone levels will be measured to monitor such bridging. A factor limiting to such bridging is the liver toxicity issue.V

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mister robocop :

petite question, tes dosages c'est de la qualité pharma si je comprends bien, donc en gros, au bout de combien de temps tu ressent les effets? (je sais que ça varie selon chacun, je veux juste une moyenne)

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