Luca Posted August 9, 2012 Report Share Posted August 9, 2012 The Use of Dianabol as a SupplementArticle by Bransholme (MuscleTalk Member)This article was originally intended to be a history of the anabolic steroid dianabol and it's usage in bodybuilding, but there is little real evidence of how it was used in previous decades. However, in the course of research, I have come to the conclusion that current use of dianabol as a supplement is not as efficient as it could be. Most of the modern thoughts on dianabol use reflect around myths and irrelevant scientific studies; this article attempts to explain new ways of thinking on dianabol usage using scientific evidence and people's experiences.Dianabol (or dbol as it's commonly called) is one of the most commonly used oral steroids. Its chemical name is methanedienone or methandrostenolone and there are many different pharmaceutical and generic varieties including Anabol and Naposim. In this article we look at lower dose usage of dianabol as a supplement, as opposed to using pro-hormones or pro-steroids.Liver Toxicity of DianabolThe 17 alpha-alkylated properties of methanedienone do make it liver toxic, but this, I believe, is overstated as most of the evidence of its toxicity comes from studies on individuals and not from studies on large groups of dianabol-using bodybuilders. One study on rats (1) showed that regardless of dose or time of administration, dianabol produces changes in enzymatic activity, which leads to hypertrophy of hepatocytes; which basically shows that dianabol is toxic to the liver. But in another study (2) Nerobol (Russian Dianabol) was found to favour a rapid normalisation of functional and metabolic disorders of the liver, which contradicts the earlier evidence. This shows that the whole idea of dianabol being dangerous is in no way as bad as some would make out.Benefits of Dianabol UseDianabol has been shown to increase anaerobic glycolysis (3), which increases lactic acid build up in the body. This is beneficial because lactic acid is used by the muscles to form glycogen, which in turn provides energy in anaerobic metabolism. Lactic acid is also a key chemical in the disposal of dietary carbohydrates, which means you are less likely to get fat while using dianabol.A study on osteoporosis (4) showed that at a dosage of just 2.5mg per day for 9 months dianabol was more effective than calcium supplementation in reducing osteoporotic activity, it was also shown to increase muscle mass more effectively. Another study on osteoporosis (5) which lasted 24 months, showed just how dianabol works on osteoporosis; dianabol increased total body calcium, and also total body potassium. This may not mean much to you as a bodybuilder, but the actions of calcium are very important to bodybuilders, as it transports large numbers of amino acids and also creatine and these two things are vital in muscle growth. Potassium is also very important, as it assists in muscle contractions, transmitting nerve signals, and insulin release; so it is also a very anabolic substance.One very interesting study (6), although not significant in bodybuilding terms, showed that dianabol increases the sensitivity of laryngeal tumour cells to radiotherapy, and concluded 'recommending this hormone to be used during radiotherapy of patients with the laryngeal cancer'.How to Cycle DianabolTo create a cycle for dianabol that is based around using it more as a supplement than a steroid, we first need to look at the current trend for cycling dianabol and analyse what is wrong with it. An average cycle of Dianabol is usually structured as 25-40mg split throughout each day for 4-6 weeks, either alone or stacked with other steroids.Firstly a dose of 25mg or more commonly causes water retention. It is well known that dianabol does aromatise quite easily, and most of the water retention is usually attributed to a build up of excess estrogen. However, it is my belief that initially water retention is caused by the body holding on to water due to the effects of dianabol on the body's mineral balance, in particular the potassium/sodium balance. This coupled with the fact that dianabol cause estrogenic side effects, leads to a lot of water build-up, and as there is little we can do about the change in the bodies mineral balance, the only other thing we can do is try to reduce aromatisation, usually with Nolvadex (tamoxifen) or other anti-estrogens. This is not the only method though, by reducing the dose, less of the drug will aromatise, which leads to less estrogen and more importantly less water retention. Reducing the drug during a cycle would lead to estrogen levels dropping slowly, so we should start the cycle with a lower dose of 10-20mg each day.Splitting the dosage when you are using a low dose is virtually pointless, as you will get a much smaller peak of the drug. So in this case it is best to take it in a single dose in the morning (preferably with grapefruit juice). Although this will not prevent suppression of natural testosterone, it may lessen it to a certain degree, as your body will still have lengthy periods later in the day when there is little testosterone circulating, and so it may still produce some.Now if we look at cycle duration, 4-6 weeks seems too short to have any real effect at a low dose, but how can we use dianabol for longer without placing more risk on our liver? The solution is actually quite simple; by taking weekends off from the drug we will give our livers a break from processing the drug. Due to the short half-life any active substances will be out of our system within 24 hours of your last dose, now this may seem like it will cost you gains, but in actual fact it will cost you little or no losses in the long run as even though there is no active drug in the body the effects are still present i.e. extra intramuscular water, and a more anabolic mineral balance. These effects usually taper off over several days. This method will not however, help your natural testosterone to return from its inhibited state, as this process can take considerably longer. If we take weekends off and use a lower dose, we should in theory be able to use dianabol for 10 weeks with no problems. A simple bit of mathematics can show this point best: 6 weeks @25mg each day = 1050mg of Dianabol in total 10 weeks with weekends off @15mg each day = 750mg of Dianabol in totalSo as you can see, by using this system your liver will actually process less dianabol than in a conventional cycle, add this to the fact that you can make gains for 10 weeks instead of 6, and with fewer side effects, and you get a very solid cycle.SummaryThis Cycle Theory can be applied in many different situations, for instance a beginner could use the dianabol on it's own for 10 weeks and gain very well. A more experienced steroid user could use this alongside an injectable cycle for very good gains too, getting the benefit of the initial quick gains of the Dianabol, with the slower but stronger gains of an injectable.This cycle may seem to go against many of the current trends of dianabol use, but I believe that by using dianabol as a supplement to good training and nutrition you can make very good gains.References Effects of methandrostenolone on liver morphology and enzymatic activity. Nesterin MF, Budik VM, Narodetskaia RV, Solov'eva GI, Stoianova VG. An experimental study of the hepatoprotective properties of phytoecdysteroids and Nerobol in carbon tetrachloride induce liver lesions. Syrov VN, Khushbaktova ZA, Nabiev AN. Effects of methanedienone (methandrostenolone) on energy processes and carbohydrate metabolism in rat liver cells. Serakovskii S, Mats'koviak Iu. Calcium, vitamin D and anabolic steroid treatment of aged bones: double-blind placebo-controlled long-term clinical trial. Inkovaara J, Gothoni G, Halttula R, Heikinheimo R, Tokola O. Changes in body composition following therapy of osteoporosis with methandrostenolone. Mann V, Benko AB, Kocsar LT. Radiomodifying effect of methandrostenolone on laryngeal cancer cells. Bordiushkov IuN, Kucherova TI, Kisliakova ND, Vagner VP, Zubkova TV.Warning! Articles related to the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs are for information purposes only and are the sole expressions of the individual authors opinion. We do not promote the use of these substances and the information contained within this publication is not intended to persuade or encourage the use or possession of illegal substances. These substances should be used only under the advice and supervision of a qualified, licensed physician.Read more at: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luca Posted August 9, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 9, 2012 Donc en gros, on a la une révolution dans l'utilisation du Dianabol...Ceci sur une cure de 10 semaine à raison de 15 mg par jours sauf la WE==> Donc moins de dega pour le foie qu'une cure de 6 semaine plus chargé par exemple.Moins de rétention d'eau également.Moins de pertes après l’arrêt.Spécificité, les 15 mg sont a prendre le matin( avec du jus de pamplemousse, moins suppressif) ( le matin je pense pour ne pas perturbé le pic de LH) qui se fait vers les midi selon les personnes.J'avais vu sa sur MEM , on les mecs s'envoie 5mg de D tout les matin en relance pour éviter le crash.Aprés je me demande dans quelle état on est le WE hormonalement... Bien sur on ne perd pas les gains , seulement la rétention d'eau... Car le D agis sur la balance Calcium /Potassium , et cela agis sur la rétention d'eau bien sur.Donc plus on dose plus on est flotteu.Je pense que cette utilisation est une alternative intéressante au cycle classique...A voir et à tester , tout ceci avec relance et protec non stop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ARNOO Posted August 9, 2012 Report Share Posted August 9, 2012 On te laisse tester et nous dire ???? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luca Posted August 10, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 10, 2012 Haha pas tout de suite Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cabane Posted August 10, 2012 Report Share Posted August 10, 2012 Avis aux inconditionnels du d-bol!!! J'suis curieux de savoir là! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ziva3000 Posted August 12, 2012 Report Share Posted August 12, 2012 moi aussi meme si je pense que le protocole en continu est le meilleur Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Djej21 Posted August 28, 2012 Report Share Posted August 28, 2012 moi aussi meme si je pense que le protocole en continu est le meilleurJe pense comme toi Ziva L'hiver dernier quand j'ai pris du Dianabol c'etais pour "kicker" a 30mg ED pendant 6 semainesResultats : 6kg de gains en 6 semainesAu niveau des analyses j'ai les transaminases qui etaient au dessus de la norme mais bon les valeurs etaient faussée car je me suis entrainé la vieille de la prise de sang (un entrainement violent fait monter les transaminases il faut le savoir)Apres Dianabol est un AAC17 donc a basse dose comme a dose plus elevée (sans aller non plus a des doses de gros bodybuilders 100 / 150mg ED comme certains peuvent le faire) ton foie en prend un coup meme si tu prend toutes les protections possibles donc autant le faire pour un minimum de resultatApres 15/20mg de dianabol pour un debutant ca peut etre bien a condition que le dianabol soit de bonne qualitéPerso une fourchette entre 30 et 60mg ED est deja pas mal pour avoir du resultat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iBenchAt100 Posted September 4, 2012 Report Share Posted September 4, 2012 Vous pensez que ça vaux le coups que j'essaie avec ma cure actuelle ? Il me reste 6 semaines de testo Cyp et j'aurais bien ajouté 15mg en plus jusque a la fin.(j'ai fais les 4 première semaines a 20mg) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luca Posted September 4, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 4, 2012 Ben oui essaye tu rate rien c'est pas pour ça que la relance sera plus dur...Tu nous tiens au jus pour la rétention d'eau ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iBenchAt100 Posted September 4, 2012 Report Share Posted September 4, 2012 Etant donné que mon Diana a l'air quand même super costaud je vais surement prendre que 10mg. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luca Posted September 4, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 4, 2012 Si c'est du british c'est bon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iBenchAt100 Posted September 4, 2012 Report Share Posted September 4, 2012 C'est du Veyron. J'ai,pris 10kg en 3semaines avec. Donc je pense qu'il,doit etre assez efficace... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luca Posted September 4, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 4, 2012 Attention qu'il ne soit pas surdosé quand meme !! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robocop Posted September 4, 2012 Report Share Posted September 4, 2012 C'est du Veyron. J'ai,pris 10kg en 3semaines avec. Donc je pense qu'il,doit etre assez efficace...putin ! ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JuJu57 Posted September 4, 2012 Report Share Posted September 4, 2012 La vache ! Mais tu dois avoir beaucoup de flotte avec non ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iBenchAt100 Posted September 4, 2012 Report Share Posted September 4, 2012 Je sais pas comment savoir si c'est de la flotte... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luca Posted September 4, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 4, 2012 Ben ta du manger comme un animal, c'est pas que du muscle, c'est sur.Si non tu serais sur Testo, anabo, GH et INsuline ( voir meme peptide) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iBenchAt100 Posted September 4, 2012 Report Share Posted September 4, 2012 Ah oui du gras y en a eu. Mais j'ai l'impression d'en avoir perdu depuis quelques jours. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luca Posted September 5, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 5, 2012 C'est fort probabable, faut voir ce que tu mange aprés.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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